Saturday, August 8, 2009

July Travels

We have been going alot this summer. The last 2 weeks of July we were on the road...Gulf Shores, Laurel, Jackson, and back to Aberdeen. We are home for a couple of more weeks, then to the beach again! After that, home for a week, then football starts!! We went to Gulf Shores with my mom and dad for the MAIC convention. After that, Callee and I went to Laurel for a few days. Then off to Jackson for Josh's general manager's meeting. Aberdeen was the last stop. We had a wedding to go to there. The summer has been a busy one, and the fall is looking about the same! Here are a few pics of our July travels...

Playing in the sand

Taking a break

Reece and Callee

Callee and Alli Beth having a great time!

Alli Beth, Callee, and Addison

(Addison was not too happy with them holding her! )

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Big Girl Bed!

I know this picture is small...I will put up a better one later.
This is Callee's 2nd night in her big girl far, so good!!
I know I haven't updated in a while. I promise, in the next few days I will sit down and do one.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Potty Update...

For about 3 or 4 days, Callee has been telling us when she needs to use the potty!! Granted, it's only about once or twice a day, but we have to start somewhere! She has only tinkled in the potty so far, but I'm totally ok with that. :) I will keep y'all updated!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Callee's 2nd Birthday

I have been such a slacker blogger lately...sorry! Callee turned 2 on May 16, and we had a little party for her. We had a blast! She loved every minute of it! Here are a few pictures from it.

The cake

As you can tell...she loved the cake! :)

These are just a few of the many pictures I have. I have lots of her opening presents, but these were the most entertaining! We had a good crowd of friends that came and we love them for it! Thank y'all so much! I will be more up to date with my blogging! I have a beach post coming...

Sunday, May 10, 2009


the "Sassie" (pacifier) is GONE!!!!! She has quit asking about it!! I am so excited...she did great! I just took it and that was the end of it. I can't believe it was that easy! We are still working on the potty training, though. I am not stressed about that, though. Also, she started day care this past week. She is just going part time when I have to fill in at the flower shop. I had to work all week, so she went and LOVED it! She started in the 1 year old class on the first day, and they moved her to the 2 year old class the second day. She is doing great! She made a couple of Mother's Day crafts. Those are, of course, on the fridge. I am so glad she likes day care! I'll keep y'all updated on how the potty training goes and how she does in day care. :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Growing up... :(

Callee is growing up too fast! We are trying to potty train, and today at nap time, I took the pacie away! The potty training is going o.k., just slow. She has done it a few times. The pacie thing, well, we'll see. She didn't mind me taking it today. Who knows about tonight! I told her the Sassie (that's what she calls it) Fairy came to get it and take it to a baby that needs it. And, since she isn't a baby, she's a big girl, she doesn't need it anymore. I told her big girls only sleep with their lamb. (her blanket she sleeps with) She kept saying, "I a big girl". I hope this is close to being as easy as taking away the bottle. If anyone has any advice on either milestone, I would greatly appreciate it!!

Super Bulldog Weekend

Callee and I went home for Super Bulldog Weekend. We had a great time! Callee, of course, LOVED the football game. She also had a blast at the baseball games. Here are a few pictures from that weekend.

the new jumbotron

Callee LOVED the binoculars!!

This one is from when we went to see Mamaw in Louisville.

Easter 2009

We had an Easter egg hunt at our church the day before Easter. Callee caught on very quickly what was going on and how to do it! She had the best time. There was a separate hunt for different age groups, so Callee knew who was with wasn't a lot of big kids running them down. Here are a few picture from the egg hunt and Easter Sunday. (the egg hunt pictures are in the flowered dress, and Sunday pictures are the green dress)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

SEC Tournament Championship Game

We went to the SEC Tournament Championship game in Tampa last Saturday. It was fantastic!! We had so much fun, and I am so glad we live close enough that we were able to go. Our friends Carla and Lance and their boys also went. We all had a great time!

Josh, Callee, and the Elkins boys, Will and Parker
walking to the game
The entrance to the St. Pete Times Forum

Me and Callee...she had SO much fun!!

Final Score!

Jarvis cutting the last loop

More Jamaica Pictures...

Our new friends: Kelly and Greg

A house right next to the resort

Steel drums...they were awesome!

Cabs to town and the airport


Josh and I went to Montego Bay, Jamaica, the first week of March. We had the best time! The weather was beautiful. We made some new friends and just relaxed all week.

Our resort was everywhere!

more Bouganvilla

Sunset from our room

Looking over our balcony down the beach

Disney World

Josh and I went to Disney World for a day a few weeks ago. It was so much fun! We were just like 2 big kids!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Dirt Diggin' Pictures

Dirt diggin'

Callee, Otis, and I were outside playing this afternoon when Otis started digging in the dirt (dirty sand). He was going crazy digging as fast as he could, while slinging dirt on Callee. Well, she thought that was the best thing ever, so she started digging and rubbing the dirt on her legs like lotion. After a while, Otis had a nice hole he was sticking his nose in and digging with that. I told Callee to help Otis dig his hole, so she immediatly went face-first into the dirt. She was doing what Otis was doing. I could do nothing but was too funny! She thought is was GREAT!! Needless to say, Callee and Otis both had really good baths tonight! I have pictures on my phone...I'll post them when I get them loaded onto my computer. Hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, February 2, 2009


I am trying to post a video from YouTube...can I do that on here? If so, can someone help me do that?!?!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas in Aberdeen

We had Christmas Day at my mom and dad's house in Aberdeen. We had a great time! Santa dropped off a little more for Callee...